This service is for requesting remote access to TechCare 5.
What this includes: You will be able to sign in to the TechCare 5 website using the web browser on an internet-connected device.
What this requires: Remote TechCare access requires the use of two-factor authentication in the form of a code sent to you via SMS text message. You will be required to provide a phone number for these messages, and you will need your device when signing in to TechCare remotely. You must use this code to sign in remotely, even though you don't need it to use TechCare 5 when you're at work on our network.
What this does not include: Any other remote access of any kind. You will not have access to NaphCare's remote server, and therefore you will be unable to access any NaphCare network-only resources, such as SharePoint or ADP's hourly clock in/clock out button. This service is just for access to TechCare.