To request that your password be reset.
Please provide your name, NaphCare email address, and a phone number where you can be reached by NaphCare IT.
NaphCare IT does not manage passwords for ADP, NaphCare University, Taleo, or Zoom. If you select one of these options, your ticket will be closed without any further attention.
All of these passwords can be reset by the user on their respective login pages. If you require further assistance with ADP/NCU/Taleo, click here: IT Services Not Managed By NaphCare IT.

***Client portal users***: Please select "NaphCare IT Support Portal" below if you are unable to log in to the support portal. No other option applies to your issue.

NaphCare Account:
  • For NaphCare employees or NaphCare user accounts ONLY.
  • Applies to NaphCare computers, email, remote access, etc.
  • DOES NOT APPLY TO: TechCare, NaphCare IT Support Portal

Other Fields

Your name